NORFACE are pleased to pre-announce a call for international social science research projects on: Enhancing well-being for the future. The call is launched with the assistance of CHANSE, Collaboration of Humanities and Social Sciences in Europe.
The theme can be approached from a variety of perspectives and disciplines within the social sciences. It allows and encourages multidisciplinarity and offers opportunities for pan-European research involving researchers from different parts of Europe, as well as comparisons in different contexts and over time.
The “Enhancing well-being for the future” programme has three main objectives:
- Support leading theoretical and methodological research on well-being. This research can be multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and comparative, and should be conducted synergistically on a pan-European basis.
- Develop and disseminate knowledge about well-being that can have a substantial impact on people’s lives. This knowledge is theoretically based, supported by research, and addresses issues of social, political, economic and practical importance.
- Motivate and promote well-being research capacity on a transnational basis in the countries participating in the call, in Europe and beyond.
For more information and to apply, please visit the website of NORFACE.