In Autumn 2020, the European Commission launched the New European Bauhaus, a movement to bring the European Green Deal to life in our living spaces through an innovative, aesthetic, and human-centred approach. This new ‘think do tank’ aims to create a platform for interdisciplinary exchange and experimentation, to foster connexions between the world of science and technology and the world of art and culture and to inspire transformative initiatives to achieve environmental, economic and cultural goals.
On 18th January, the European Commission President von der Leyen announced the beginning of the New European Bauhaus’s design phase. The objectives are to use a ‘co-creation process to shape the concept by exploring ideas, identifying the most urgent needs and challenges, and to connect interested parties’.
Artists, designers, engineers, scientists, entrepreneurs, architects, students and other creative minds are invited to share ideas, inspiring examples or expected challenges on the New European Bauhaus’ website. Organisations wishing to contribute more actively can also respond to the call for partners.
In spring 2021, the European Commission will launch the first edition of the New European Bauhaus prize to reward existing examples illustrating the initiative’s core values. This autumn, it will be followed by the opening of a call for proposals to support New European Bauhaus projects in at least five places in EU member states.
Source: European Commission’s press corner: ‘New European Bauhaus: Commission launches design phase.
To find out more about the New European Bauhaus: New European Bauhaus website, The New European Bauhaus Explained.