Una Europa launches an annual call for applications for seed funding. The aim of the seed funding initiative is to support the initiation of long-term collaborative activities between the partner universities. The idea is to “plant a seed” that can eventually attract external funding.

Examples of seed-funded initiatives include, but are not limited to:

  • organizing joint workshops or seminars;
  • preparing joint formats for education or research.

The criteria for eligibility, evaluation and funding are defined in the call text. As a rule of thumb, the following applies:

  • the scheme is open to all academic disciplines and fields of academic management;
  • the project must be coordinated by senior academic or non-academic staff from one Una Europa university and involve senior staff from at least an additional three Una Europa universities;
  • third parties are able to participate in the proposed activities; however, this will be at their own cost;
  • the seed funding should not duplicate funding that is otherwise available.

A selection committee consisting of members of staff from each Una Europa university is responsible for ranking proposals for funding on a competitive basis.

2021 Call

The 2021 Call is now open. The deadline is 19 July 2021, 17:00 CET.

Download the call text, FAQ’s, templates for the budget and endorsement letters in the resources below.

Apply through our online application form.

For more information on the Seed Funding Scheme, please contact: