Project facts

Duration: 2015-09-01 - 2018-01-01
Project coordinator: University of Salford (UK)
Project consortium: University of Salford (UK); University of Gothenburg (Sweden); University of Amsterdam (Netherlands)
Funding bodies: JPI CH; European Commission
Subject areas: Built Heritage, Cultural Landscapes, Digital Heritage, Intangible Heritage, Monuments - Sites, Natural Heritage, Tangible Heritage
Budget: 654.153.00€


  • The CHIME project has explored the uses and re-uses of cultural heritage through jazz and improvised music festivals.
  • The project has investigated the iterative relationship between festivals and heritage, examining the synergies and frictions between different forms of cultural heritage.
  • It has interrogated the relationship between music and place, considering the impact of jazz as heritage and through heritage.
  • It has developed a typology of festivals and heritage sites, drawing on case studies from different European contexts
  • It has used the festival to examine the boundaries between tangible, intangible and digital heritage.
  • It has investigated interrelated research themes using cross-disciplinary methods, developing new tools and approaches to the sustainable use and management of cultural heritage.
  • It has furthered international festivals and heritage studies research by establishing a high impact on Knowledge Exchange and co-production activities, working in partnership with our 10 Associated Partners.

Impacts & Results

CHIME has generated high impact outcomes for groups including policymakers, festival organizers, the broader heritage sector and the general public.

Project deliverables have included digital heritage resources, Knowledge Exchange initiatives and public engagement events at European festivals as well as 2 monographs, an edited volume and an international conference.

CHIME has responded to the « use and re-use of all kinds of cultural heritage » theme by:

  • Exploring the contested and conflicting issues around access to cultural heritage when different spaces are ‘festivalised'.
  • Examining how built and natural heritage was affected by cultural and societal events.
  • Combining knowledge about the uses and re-uses of heritage from different research fields in order to champion and develop a truly interdisciplinary heritage study.

CHIME has responded to the « sustainable strategies for protecting and managing cultural heritage » theme by:

  • Providing opportunities for the production, recognition, revitalization and regeneration of cultural heritage through festivals as well as digital resources.
  • Charting the experience of heritage users/festival goers in order to influence the management of heritage and its environment.
  • Understanding the meanings that cultural heritage held for people within European festival settings and how they perceived, used and interpreted it.
  • Developing methodological tools for creating ‘integrated landscapes’, generating a series of policy briefings for urban and regional governance.


Banner: "Kaustinen Folk Music Festival" by Ninara is licensed with CC BY 2.0.