For this ninth edition, organised under the Auspices of the Deputy Minister of Culture and in cooperation with several EU Research Infrastructures, the Euro-Mediterranean conference will address the Digital Cultural Heritage Documentation, Preservation, and Protection issue, in Limassol, Cyprus the next 7th-11th November.

Through the scope of interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary research on tangible and intangible Cultural Heritage, this hybrid five-day conference will be divided into multiple thematic workshops, demonstrations as well as presentations, gathering policymakers, professionals, students, delegates, and cultural heritage stakeholders, to better understand the use of cutting edge technologies for the protection, preservation, massive digitalization, documentation and presentation of the Cultural Heritage content.

The lectures will take place in the Royal Apollonia Hotel in Limassol, Cyprus, with the possibility of participating online. Registration is mandatory and subject to fees.

For further information, consult the EuroMed website and the e-agenda.


“File: Archaeological Park Paphos Cyprus 13.jpg” by Nikodem Nijaki is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.