Saturday 17th December 2022 starting at 10 a.m
Albert II Auditorium, Academy Palace, Brussels (Rue Ducale 1, 1000 Bruxelles)
Within the European Research Area, significant infrastructures (whether they consist of equipment, human resources or both) are a major feature of scientific development. These structures make it possible to achieve the critical size often necessary for decisive advances and the acquisition of technical equipment without which research can hardly progress.
What challenges do these important European infrastructures face? How could we develop new ones? And in which research areas? How can we harmoniously link works that have been carried out at a European level and the ones funded by the national agencies? These are some questions that will be adressed during the round table.
It will bring together Jean-Pierre Bourguignon (President ad interim of the European Research Council), Fabiola Gianotti (Director of CERN) and Isabelle Pallot-Frossard (President of the Fondation des Sciences du Patrimoine and associate member of the Belgian Royal Academy).
Véronique Halloin and Axel Cleeremans, full members of the Belgian Royal Academy, will moderate the ensuing debate, with the participation of Philippe Busquin, associate member emeritus of the Belgian Royal Academy and former European Commissioner for Research.
The session will close with the official presentation of François Englert’s biographical volume, entitled Il n’est sagesse sans folie. The singular life of François Englert, Nobel Prize winner. Chronicle in ten episodes, a prologue and an epilogue, by Danielle Losman.