The Cultural Heritage Research and Innovation landscape has changed significantly over the past few years. New political, technological and socio-economic parameters put emphasis on improving protection, conservation and restoration efficiency of European cultural heritage with green technologies, as well as developing and further exploiting high quality digitisation, open access and curation of digital assets. The need also exists to enhance the innovation potential and competitive edge of the Cultural and Creative Sector (CCS) to drive sustainable growth and job creation against global competition.

Responding to these challenges, the project will develop a pan European framework for a holistic approach to cultural heritage research and innovation, by creating the Alliance for Research on Cultural Heritage in Europe (ARCHE), a spearheading coordination network of researchers, innovators, heritage professionals, institutional bodies and citizens. The objective is to engage all cultural heritage actors in Member States / Associated Countries in the co-design of research and innovation strategies and roadmaps that lead to research and innovation initiatives requiring multidisciplinary approaches and skills.

A detailed assessment of research and innovation gaps and needs for the next decade will be the basis for designing a Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) for joint programming aiming to increase awareness of heritage and European sense of belonging. A new purpose-built governance structure will be proposed that will effectively involve existing networks and new partners from relevant scientific disciplines and industries. It will also promote intensive and wide-ranging collaboration between cultural heritage, the arts, and the CCS. The SRIA and governance structure will be tested in a pilot operation in the third and final year.

Work Packages and Deliverables

WP1 – Mapping and Assessment

The overall aim of Work Package 1 is to determine research & innovation domains with European added value for future action, and to draw lessons on the implementation of ERA-Net co-funding schemes and other transnational partnership schemes. Work Package 1 is composed of six tasks:

Task 1.1: Preliminary Analysis
Task 1.2: Preparation of the investigation
Task 1.3: Investigation – initiatives in partnership networks
Task 1.4: Investigation – EU priorities
Task 1.5: Investigation – CH programmes in MSs/ACs
Task 1.6: Assessment and Recommendations


Lessons Learned and Recommendations from ERANet Co-funding Schemes

The report presents conclusions and recommendations to consider for joint
programming actions.



Priorities and Policy Scenarios for EU action in Cultural Heritage

The report presents the conclusions on the analysis of the initiatives examined and recommendations for ARCHE SRIA priorities and for policy scenarios for future EU-level interventions.



WP2 – Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda

The main objective of Work Package 2 is to develop, together with relevant stakeholders, the cross-disciplinary strategic cultural heritage research and innovation agenda with a long-term perspective, leading to the publication of the ARCHE SRIA. Work Package 2 is composed of three tasks:

Task 2.1 Foresight analysis on future R&I CH challenges
Task 2.2 Strategic direction for ARCHE SRIA
Task 2.3 Elaboration, finalising and publication of the ARCHE SRIA


Report on Future Trends on Cultural Heritage R&I

The report aims to present and better understand the future R&I landscape in which the ARCHE Alliance will operate.


Policy Recommendations

The report provides recommendations for aligning and coordinating research priorities and agenda.



Policy Brief

The short report sets out in clear terms the issue, giving feasible short to long term options, fitting with the existing implementation strategies, programmes and legislations, and considering current and future developments in policy in the cultural heritage research area.



Vision and Mission of the ARCHE Alliance

The report shapes the vision and mission of the ARCHE alliance that may be created after the end of the project and identify key trends and recommendations for the elaboration of the ARCHE SRIA.


ARCHE SRIA Key Messages and Preliminary Findings

The report collates the preliminary findings of the multiple consultations, workshops and working groups into key messages and drivers for the preparation of the final ARCHE SRIA.


ARCHE SRIA and its Synthesis

The report collates the preliminary results of the multiple consultations, workshops, working groups and summarize the different drafts into a final Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for the ARCHE alliance.



WP3 – Governance Structure

The overall aim of Work Package 3 is to design the governance structure that is fully adapted to the vision, mission and specific objectives of ARCHE. The specific objective is to develop (a) the governance structure that responds to specific requirements of the ARCHE SRIA, based on lessons from the current JPI CH and similar best practice endeavours; and (b) a detailed management and staffing plan, preparing for the launch of the ARCHE Alliance. Work Package 3 is composed of four tasks:

Task 3.1: Analysis of previous related experience and other EU Partnerships
Task 3.2: Requirement analysis
Task 3.3: Governance structure for ARCHE
Task 3.4: High-level staffing plan


Governance Structures for Similar Programmes

The report presents results of the literature review on similar programmes, and interviews
with senior officials; conclusions on trends, patterns and problems encountered; applicability to ARCHE.

Terms of Reference for the ARCHE Governance Structure

The report details the Terms of Reference (ToR) for the ARCHE governance structure.

ARCHE Organisation and Governance Plan

The report consists in a full organisational structure, presenting management bodies, decision-making processes, roles, responsibilities and high-level position requirements for the ARCHE network.

ARCHE Staffing Plan

The report details the methodology and concrete procedures to designate the organisations and persons that will be proposed to assume the positions of the ARCHE Governance Structure, propose a general timeline for implementing the different governing bodies, designate their members and constitute the overall ARCHE staff.


WP4 – Building the Alliance

The aim of Work Package 4 is to build the ARCHE Alliance, based on the SRIA and governance structure developed in Work Packages 2 and 3, respectively. The specific objectives are to (a) develop a sustainability analysis and quality criteria for the implementation of the SRIA; (b) reach a critical mass of committed partners from the majority of Member States/Associated Countries; (d) develop a detailed plan guiding the operations of the Alliance in the post-CSA period. Work Package 4 is composed of three tasks:

Task 4.1: Sustainability analysis and development plan
Task 4.2: Final negotiation with new partners in the ARCHE Alliance
Task 4.3: Launch of the Alliance


ARCHE Development Plan

The report specifies the quality criteria and conditions ensuring the successful development of the ARCHE Alliance.



ARCHE Status Report

The report provides an overview of MS/AC organisations committed to support ARCHE, corresponding funding resources and an update of organisational aspects – also lessons learned from ARCHE promotion and plans to further increase ARCHE participation.



ARCHE Post-CSA Operation

The report describes the ARCHE deployment actions in the post-project period.




WP5 – Dissemination and promotion

The dissemination and promotion activities are key contributors to the success of the CSA. The specific objectives of Work Package 5 are to: (a) inform and inspire a large variety of stakeholders on ARCHE objectives and benefits; (b) secure commitments for engagement and participation by the cultural heritage and creative and cultural industries research and innovation communities; (c) harmonise European and national research agendas; (d) secure commitments of funding at EU and national level. Work Package 5 is composed of six tasks:

Task 5.1 Dissemination and promotion strategy
Task 5.2 Dissemination and promotion material
Task 5.3: Stakeholders’ engagement
Task 5.4: Raising awareness
Task 5.5: Securing commitments and funding sources
Task 5.6: Presentation of the ARCHE Alliance


Dissemination and Promotion Strategy

The report presents the dissemination objectives, target groups, measures and activities, monitoring and KPIs.

Dissemination and Promotion Material

The report presents visual identity, website organisation and functionalities.

Dissemination and Promotion Strategy First Update

The report is an update of the first Dissemination and promotion strategy of the ARCHE project, presenting and updating if necessary the dissemination objectives, target groups, measures and activities, and presenting and assessing the first results of the KPIs monitoring.


Dissemination and Promotion Strategy Second Update

The report is a second update of the initial ARCHE Dissemination and promotion strategy, presenting and updating if necessary the dissemination objectives, target groups, measures and activities, and presenting and assessing the final results of the KPIs monitoring


ARCHE Document

The report features a summary presentation of the ARCHE SRIA; proceedings of the Final Event with an overview of presentations and conclusions.


WP6 – Project management

The overall aim of Work Package 6 is to develop and implement the management structure to handle the coordination, administrative, legal and financial aspects of the CSA. Work Package 6 is composed of four tasks:

Task 6.1: Setting up the management process
Task 6.2: Coordination and quality assurance
Task 6.3 Reporting
Task 6.4 Ethic compliance


ARCHE Document

The report features a summary presentation of the ARCHE SRIA; proceedings of the Final Event with an overview of presentations and conclusions.




Red: Partner – Light red: Associate partner – Blue: is not a partner.

Select a country to see which organisations and institutions are involved.

France (Coordinator)
Norway (Partner)
Italy (Partner)
Spain (Partner)
Netherlands (Partner)
Greece (Partner)
Sweden (Partner)


Slovakia (Partner)
Germany (Partner)
Belgium (Partner)
Czechia (Partner)
Portugal (Partner)
Cyprus (Partner)


Slovenia (Partner)


Austria (Partner)


Poland (Partner)
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (Associate partner)
Romania (Associate partner)