Call Facts
Presentation of the call
Scholars were invited to submit research proposals on the role of heritage in society from different (inter)national perspectives and value systems. This included questions such as what role heritage plays in the formation of identities, how institutions can inclusively manage heritage, and to what extent digitization contributes to meaningful access to heritage. The call aimed to support interdisciplinary research that is set up and carried out by transnational consortia within the context of a single project.
Applicants were encouraged to collaborate in a cross-disciplinary manner to combine knowledge and expertise from the humanities and social sciences, arts, and the technical and/or physical sciences. The interdisciplinary exchange was necessary to develop innovative research into cultural heritage.
The most important admissibility criteria of the call were:
- The maximum duration of the projects was 36 months.
- All project proposals had to contain at least three research teams that were eligible for funding from the various countries participating in this call and were part of an institute that was eligible for this funding.
- A maximum of five teams could participate in each project proposal.
- At least one stakeholder had to be involved as an Associate Partner to strengthen the impact and societal relevance of the project.
- Applications had to satisfy the admissibility criteria for the national research teams in the transnational research consortia and not exceed the maximum budgets that could be applied for in this regard.
- All proposals, including compulsory documents, had to be submitted in English.
Given the global developments and their impact on research collaboration, the JPI CH wanted to support applicants to get in touch with potentially interested partners. An email group (called JPICH-CHIP) was set up for this purpose, in which ideas for research proposals could be shared. Applicants could use this service by registering via this link. The email group was s an initiative of the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) in the UK.
JPI CH Cultural Heritage Identities Perspectives - Call for Proposals
JPI CH CHIP - FAQs and Glossary
Five topics were selected in the call. Applicants were expressly invited to combine questions from/perspectives on several topics.
The topics were:
- Rethinking the implicit role of cultural heritage in society.
- Perspectives on and constructions of cultural heritage.
- Cultural heritage management approaches co-creation, connecting communities, and sustainable development goals.
- Innovative and inclusive (digital) access to cultural heritage.
- Impacts of cultural heritage: cultural, economic, user, public and social values.
Six projects were selected for funding:
- CULTIVATE - Co-creating cultural narratives for sustainable rural development
- DeCoSEAS - Decolonizing South-East Asian Sound Archives
- NuSPACES - Nuclear spaces: Communities, Materialities and Locations of Nuclear Cultural Heritage
- OLIVE4ALL - Olive Heritage for Sustainable Development: Raising Community Awareness of Living Heritage
- PICCH - Polyvocal Interpretation of Contested Colonial Heritage
- RCL: ICH -Re-voicing cultural landscapes: narratives, perspectives and performances of marginalised intangible cultural heritage