Funded projects
Partners involved
2,9 M €

Call Facts

Opening date: 4th September 2017
Closing date: 30th November 2017
Organisation in charge of the call: Ministerio per i Beni e le Attività Culturali e Turismo (MiBACT)
Contact: Contact: see Call for proposals document

Presentation of the call

Heritage in Changing Environments Call supported well-defined, transnational, interdisciplinary and collaborative research and development projects that maximise the value and impact of research outcomes by promoting the Exchange with policymakers, businesses and commercial enterprises, the broader Heritage sector, voluntary and community groups and the general public.

A project proposal had to comprise of at least three research teams, each based in an eligible institution in a different country participating in the Heritage in Changing Environments Call.

JPICH Changing Environments Call for Proposals 04 09 2017

FAQ and GLOSSARY- Heritage in changing environments call

JPICH HC Guidelines to submit a proposal




The call  included three main topics:

  • Changing physical environments
  • Changing social and economic environments
  • Changing political and cultural environments

Five projects were selected for funding:

  • Care Msoc - Community Archaeology in Rural Environnement - Meeting Societal Challenges
  • Extinct - Extinction as cultural heritage? Exhibiting human nature entanglements with extinct and threatened species
  • Consech20 - CONSErvation of 20th-century concrete Cultural Heritage in urban changing environments
  • Homee - Heritage Opportunities/threats within Mega-Events in Europe: Changing environments, new challenges and possible solutions for preservation in mega-events embedded in heritage-rich European cities
  • Wet Futures - Wetland Futures in Contested Environments: an inter-and transdisciplinary approach to wetland heritage in the Netherlands, United Kingdom and Ireland

Funding institutions & partners

National Academy of science (NASB)
Research Promotion Foundation (RPF)
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MEYS)
Heritage Council (HCI)
Ministry of Education, Universities and Research (MIUR)
Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Latvia
Research Council of Lithuania (RCL)
The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO)
The Research Council of Norway (RCN)
Poland Ministry of Culture and National Heritage
UK Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC)