Archeritage held the first project meeting at the Toadhall Rooms in Muchalls, south of Aberdeen, 30 January – 2 February 2024. This was the first time all of the participants met in person (with the exception of one team member who had to participate online due to flight cancellations). During these days were workshops held where the group studied objects, discussed future ideas for the project and all members gave presentations related to their research in Archeritage, as listed below:

  • Welcome and Introduction: Professor David Anderson, Dr. Richard Alan Fraser
  • The Sámi Conical Tent – A Symbol That Unites and a Symbol That Divides: UK PhD researcher Maria Nordvall
  • NewArctic – A Travelling Exhibition: Gro Ween
  • Antler Worlds: Reindeer, Herding, and Cosmology: Tommy Ose
  • Antler Worlds: Duodji, Commodification, and Traditional Chinese Medicine: Richard Alan Fraser
  • Arctic Ivory as a Commodity: Maarten Loonen
  • A Reconstruction of Historic Ivory Trade: PhD researcher Emily Ruiz Puerta
  • A Story of Three Tents: Thoughts about the Commercialisation of Indigenous Architecture: Professor David Anderson
  • Heritage and Sealskin in Greenland: Cunera Buijs
  • Departmental Seminar, University of Aberdeen: PhD researcher Emily Ruiz Puerta

The Project Group from the left: Cunera Buijs, Maarten Loonen, Gro Ween, Maria Nordvall, Richard Fraser (online), David Anderson, Tommy Ose and Emily Ruiz Puerta.