Cultural Heritage in Action is a peer-learning programme allowing regional and local policymakers to exchange knowledge on cultural heritage with a focus on participatory governance, adaptive reuse and quality of interventions.
From March to May 2021, Cultural Heritage in Action will hold 6 online peer learning visits open to representatives from local and regional authorities and cultural heritage stakeholders and representatives from national administrations.
A peer learning visit is an opportunity for a group of experts, policymakers and stakeholders from different cities/regions to discuss with a host city/region how it successfully implemented policies and projects and overcame the challenges and barriers encountered along the way. Online visits aim to provide an intimate and trusting setting to discuss experiences, provide feedback and build solutions together.
Each online peer-learning visit will be a series of engagements taking place at the same time over 3 to 5 consecutive days (max. 2 hours a day).
The 6 peer learning visits are the following:
- ‘Co-designing an ambitious environmental urban plan addressing cultural heritage’, hosted by Vantaa, Finland (22-26 March 2021)
- ‘Social inclusion and involvement of vulnerable communities through cultural heritage’, hosted by Central Scotland (26-28 April 2021)
- ‘Involving citizens in management, research, valuation, and ownership of their cultural heritage’, hosted by Tampere, Finland (10-12 May 2021)
- ‘Data collection and community archiving with citizens for long-term preservation of cultural heritage’ hosted by Rotterdam, The Netherlands (18-20 May 2021)
- ‘Using cultural heritage for community building and revitalisation of isolated (rural) areas’ hosted by Val Grande National Park, Italy (3-7 May 2021)
The call for participants is open until 8 February 2021. To respond, please use this link (