In times of crisis, our joint mission to protect cultural heritage as a resource for future generations to come is more vital than ever. Pandemics, economic depression, resource exploitation, politics, conflicts, climate change, development, illicit traffics, disasters are just some of the main factors of pressure on our cultural heritage.
To address some of these topics, and to sensitize about the relevance of cultural heritage protection and its possible approaches we propose, within the Master in Cultural Property Protection in Crisis Response, a series of webinars titled CPP Talks, targeted on scholars, students, practitioners, aiming at working to enforce the protection of our common heritage.
Main partners of this initiative are:
- Università degli Studi di Torino and SUISS Scuola Universitaria Interdipartimentale in Scienze Strategiche
- Esercito Italiano – Comando per la formazione e Scuola di applicazione dell’Esercito (Torino)
- Comando Carabinieri Tutela Patrimonio Culturale – TPC
- International Institute of Humanitarian Law, Sanremo
- Centro Conservazione e Restauro “La Venaria Reale”
- Fondazione CRT
- Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo
In collaboration with Corep – Consorzio per la Ricerca e l’Educazione Permanente and with the contribution of ICCROM,; International Council of Museums – ICOM; International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS); Prince Claus Fund; UNESCO Iraq.
April 9th – with Zaki Aslan (ICCROM)
link to participate:
Meeting ID: 947 3331 9191
Passcode: 940929
April 23rd – with Sanne Letschert (Prince Claus Fund)
link to participate:
Meeting ID: 764 309 7771
Passcode: 794507
May 7th – with Maria Rita Acetoso (UNESCO Iraq Office)
link to participate:
Meeting ID: 979 6651 6637
Passcode: 065678
May 21st – with Elsa Urtizverea (ICOM)
link to participate:
Meeting ID: 920 3399 9900
Passcode: 756395
June 4th – with Cristina Gonzalez Longo and Rohit Jigyasu (ICOMOS)
link to participate:
Meeting ID: 946 9364 8223
Passcode: 655462
All webinars will be held from 2:30 to 3:30 pm (CET) and will be introduced by some of the former Master’s participants.
Visit the Master’s website for more information.
Download the complete programme.