Cultural heritage protection is not only about the past, it is vitally about the present and providing a space to reflect, question and shape new narratives for the future.
Bringing together heritage professionals and cultural practitioners, in the second session of our series we look at the contemporary value and relevance of cultural heritage and its role in exploring cultural identity, creating dialogue and impacting wider societal change.
Registration link: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_ibQIFf9-R7GBCnJ8RTg1gg
About the Series
The Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, the British Council and the Victoria and Albert Museum’s Culture in Crisis Programme are thrilled to announce a renewed partnership to produce their second interactive series of webinar events, slated to commence in July 2021, focusing on ‘Culture in Crisis: Global Heritage Perspectives’.
These events form part of an annual collaboration between the three organisations, under the banner of ‘Culture in Crisis Conversations’.
Following on from the success of the 2020 Webinar Series ‘Heritage in a Post-Covid Landscape’, the upcoming series will build on the momentum of the last, examining how the experiences of recent years have encouraged cultural organisations across the globe to adapt and transform in the face of global challenges and new opportunities.
In ‘Global Heritage Perspectives’ we will explore innovative approaches to cultural heritage management and stewardship; to understand and reflect on how responses to crises have been shaped over the last year. We will discover novel strategies that respond to crisis at scale and explore the degree to which cultural heritage can be a route to addressing environmental, economic and social issues around the world.
Through this series we will hear from individuals and organisations from across the globe who come together to share international experiences and best practice, as communities and organisations recover with resilience; looking to a future that is more sustainable, equitable and ecological.
- Venue: Zoom
- Date:
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