About the event
Uncovering future trends and challenges for research and innovation in cultural heritage is the aim of the Alliance for Research on Cultural Heritage in Europe’s (ARCHE) foresight workshop that took place online on April 4th 2023.
By engaging with diverse stakeholders, this highly interactive workshop is intended to enrich the initial findings of a peer-reviewed Foresight for Heritage study. Together we will discuss the possible implications of future change and opportunities for the heritage sector. The outcomes will be a key input for informing the new Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) for heritage in Europe. The SRIA is intended to guide joint programming efforts of governments over the coming years, with the goal of fostering scientific collaboration, promoting novel solutions, and enhancing awareness of Europe’s rich cultural heritage.
The Foresight for Heritage study
The recent Foresight for Heritage study undertaken by ICCROM as part of the ARCHE project will serve as a catalyst for the collaborative workshop. To stay relevant, the ARCHE SRIA must be forward-looking and provide orientation that responds to the needs and perceptions of today and into the future. The Foresight for Heritage study offers valuable insights as it investigates how different fields are anticipating the future using strategic foresight, a systematic and structured approach that employs a range of tools, skills, and methods to look out over the longer term (such as 10-20 years).
The Foresight for Heritage study gathered and analysed data from future-orientated literature across various sectors such as the environment, economics, health, education, arts, culture and heritage, and considered their possible implications for heritage. The study also highlighted how similar approaches could be beneficial for developing future strategies for heritage.
The interactive workshop
During the workshop, we call upon the expertise and experience of a diverse group of cultural heritage scholars and practitioners to engage with the findings of the Foresight for Heritage study and to supplement these with their perspectives from the field.
The workshop will consist of two breakout sessions, followed by a panel discussion and a plenary session to share thoughts. Throughout the afternoon, a digital noticeboard will be available where participants are encouraged to leave their comments, suggestions and questions. Participants will have the opportunity to engage in lively discussion and exchange ideas. We invite you to join us and contribute to the development of the future agenda for heritage research and innovation in Europe!