Poznan, Poland, October 21-22, 2021
We are pleased to invite you to submit your papers for the conference titled Interpretation for heritage protection whose aim is to discuss the issue of the public discourse on heritage. The central theme of this year’s meeting are values.
Connecting heritage to a set of values is at the heart of the classically understood protection of natural, tangible and intangible traces of the past. Various values are attributed to the resources through analysis, communication and education. These include both universal as well as contextual values, which depend on the cultural context, but also social, functional and symbolic values as well as individual and associative values. Some of them can be situated in the economic discourse, others belong to the realm of ethics. All of them, however, surface in a relationship with a receiver. It is there that heritage interpretation takes the crucial role of a mediator.
We are pleased to invite professionals from a variety of fields, researchers and practitioners to submit their proposals for 20-minute presentations discussing the issue of values in heritage protection and interpretation. The presentation can be both a theoretical discussion as well as reflection based on an analysis of case studies in the fields of exhibition design, tourism, education and social animation.
Some suggested themes include the following:
- ethics and philosophy of interpretation;
- interpretation in heritage sites;
- roots of heritage interpretation;
- contemporary trends and challenges of heritage interpretation;
- heritage interpretation management;
- interpretation of Poznań heritage.
Proposals for papers should be submitted by May 31, 2021 using the following proposal form. Notifications of acceptance will be sent by email by June 30, 2021.
There will be separate sessions in Polish and English during the conference. The conference will be held either on the site or it will take the form of a hybrid event, depending on the epidemiological situation.
The conference fee is PLN 100.
Contact: konferencja@pcd.poznan.pl
Proposal form: https://forms.gle/4X9KrJY8v83gpXwf8
The conference is organised by Poznan Heritage Centre
Partners: National Heritage Institute, Interpret Europe, WSB University in Poznan
For more information, please visit the website of Poznań Heritage Center.