The international research project “The Nuclear Spaces: Communities, Materialities and Locations (NuSPACES)” invites to the final report launch and discussion which will gather scholars and practitioners to discuss the future of nuclear cultural heritage in the context of social change.

This event is co-organised by Kingston University and Science Museum London and is open to everyone and free to attend. It will take place in a hybrid format, please indicate if you will attend in person or virtually by emailing the organisers at

Location: Dana Research Centre, Science Museum London
18 September 2024


Invited talks by Samuel Alberti, the Director of Collections at National Museums Scotland, and Elizabeth Norton, the NDA Heritage Officer at Nuclear Decommissioning Authority

Final report launch by NuSPACES Principal Investigators: Eglė Rindzevičiūtė (Kingston University London), Linara Dovydaitytė (Vytautas Magnus University) and Anna Storm (Linköping University)
19.00-20.30 Reception
19 September 2024
10.00-10.30 Invited talk by Mark Taylor, Senior Lecturer in Quantitative Methods, Sheffield University
10.30-12.00 Paper presentations by Anna Storm & Karin Edberg (Linköping University, Sweden), Linara Dovydaitytė and Oksana Denisenko (Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania), and Eglė Rindzevičiūtė (Kingston University London)
Registration on Eventbrite:
NuSPACES was funded by the grants awarded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (project reference AH/W000253/1), the Swedish Research Council ((VR), ref no 2020-06548), The Research Council of Lithuania ((LMTLT), agreement no S-JPIKP-21-1), in the framework of Joint Programming Initiative for Cultural Heritage and Global Change: A Challenge for Europe. The JPI Cultural Heritage project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 699523.