Join us on 10 June for the launch our final project toolkit, which offers tools and resources to help researchers, research organisations, funders, policymakers, and societal partners make informed decisions about developing and supporting inter- and transdisciplinary research with the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, STEM disciplines, and societal partners.
The event will be opened by Mr Harald Hartung, Head of Unit, Fair Societies & Cultural Heritage, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, European Commission. It includes a Policy Panel Discussion and key findings with Dr Carthage Smith (OECD Global Science Forum), Professor Ludovic Thilly (The Coimbra Group), Dr Anna Antonova (Rachel Carson Institute for Environment and Society, LMU Munich) and Lidia Borrell-Damián (Science Europe).
The event will showcase a full list of toolkit features where you will be able to discover tools and resources specifically relevant to research organisations such as:
- Develop collaborative conditions
- Evaluate inter- and trans-disciplinary research
- Fund Collaborative Research Projects
- Improve Research Skills
- Support collaborative researchers
- Understand inter- and transdisciplinary research
- A series of five tailored reflective tools designed to help individuals and groups consider the most important issues when developing, designing, evaluating, funding or collaborating on an IDR/TDR project.
- Top ten practical tips on key tasks, such as writing an ID/TD research proposal or developing a career in ID/TD research.
- And many more tools and resources that can be used with/by researchers to support, improve research skills and build capacity in IDR.
More details about the project including our policy briefs, are available on the SHAPE-ID website.