PROCULTHER-NET is co-funded by the Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations – DG-ECHO under the European Union Civil Protection Mechanism – UCPM. Building on PROCULTHER project, whose it is a natural continuation, PROCULTHER-NET is running from January 2022 to December 2023 and aims at consolidating a thematic community focused on the protection of cultural heritage at risk of disaster within the Union Civil Protection Knowledge Network – KN and increasing UCPM interoperability standards by reinforcing know-how transfer and learning processes on the inclusion of cultural heritage protection in disaster risk management processes within the KN.
Download the complete issue via the link below or access the specific articles by clicking on the relevant titles below
European training for the protection of cultural heritage at risk
The Implementation of the PROCULTHER-NET Protecting Cultural Heritage course: an interdisciplinary advanced training module within the Knowledge Network
PROCULTHER-NET’s Pilot Training of Trainers for Heritage Protection
Offering know-how and knowledge to European trainers specialised in the protection of cultural heritage at risk.
Further progress for heritage protection in Türkiye after the seism of 2023
Lessons learnt from the interinstitutional and interdisciplinary cooperation implemented following the devastating events that hit the Country.
The new challenges of heritage protection: the Chantilly symposium
In April 2023, all stakeholders met to take stock of the added value of interdisciplinary collaboration for cultural heritage protection in France.
Protecting cultural heritage from forest fires risk in Castilla y León
Advances in regional regulations for the Prevention and Extinction of Forest Fires in Castilla y León: the inclusion of cultural heritage protection
PROCULTHER-NET reaching beyond EU borders: a visit to Switzerland
The French PROCULTHER-NET partners met with Swiss experts involved in cultural protection to improve mutual knowledge and cooperation in this field.
SHELTER Project: the Scientific Community for sustainable heritage protection
Feedback from the participation of PROCULTHER-NET to the SHELTER Project Final Conference hosted by the UNESCO Regional Bureau in Europe on April 2023
Digital damage assessment of cultural heritage
The PROCULTHER application for the survey of digital data for the assessment of damage to cultural heritage introduced at ESRI Italia Conference 2023
Climate change threats to cultural heritage under the magnifying glass
PROCULTHER-NET contribution to a multiplier event on climate change and its impacts on cultural heritage and security organised on May in Brussels
B+CARE: the regional hub for cultural emergency response in the Balkans
The German Archaeological Institute introduces KulturGutRetter and PROCULTHER-NET at the regional conference B+CARE: Balkan Cultural Aid Response for Emergencies