
Joining the EIT Community in June 2022, EIT Culture & Creativity will start to become operational in the coming year. Once operational EIT Culture & Creativity will house a sustainable ecosystem for European Cultural and Creative Sectors and Industries (CCSI), connecting and collaborating world-class partners, accelerating ecosystem-centred innovations and businesses, reaching hearts and minds of global audiences with experiences, products and services to shape resilient futures.

What will EIT Culture and Creativity do?

Break boundaries in CCSI education by teaching cutting-edge technology to creatives and creativity as a cross-industry skill, increasing multidisciplinary collaborations of higher education leaders with creative industry economics, nurturing imaginative, creative businesspeople and market-savvy artists and designers.

Deliver mission-driven innovations leveraging the change-making power of CCSI to develop eco-systemic services and products rebuilding Europe after the COVID-19 pandemic as a carbon neutral continent. EIT Culture & Creativity will provide experimental spaces to enable creative innovations stimulated through research and technology transfer and early adoptions in emerging high growth global markets.

Transform CCSI businesses through custom-fitting innovation support, incubation schemes, and novel investments and philanthropic financing connecting existing networks of 2 000 creative hubs, 3 000 cultural institutions and 300 000 entrepreneurs across Europe.

Mainstream the impact and value of CCSI especially culture and heritage as an enabler for economic regeneration, and societal cohesion by supporting regions, cities and rural areas, to facilitate industrial and social changes including climate adaptation and mitigation.

Deepen the acknowledgement and knowledge of CCSI´s unique contributions to research and innovation ecosystems based on novel, data-driven methods, implemented standardisation of knowledge exchanges and smart monitoring of facts and figures. EIT Culture and Creativity will facilitate impact-driven dialogues with best-in-class innovators and policy-makers at all levels to unlock the potential of cultural and creative sectors and industries for a sustainable and thriving society.