
Italian Ministry of Culture’s mission is to protect and enhance the cultural heritage and to promote cultural activities, related to landscape, entertainment, cinema and audiovisual.

The protection and enhancement of cultural heritage are aimed at preserving the memory of communities and territories, promoting the development of culture and knowledge of tangible and intangible heritage.

MiC, through a national network of museums, libraries and archives, involves citizens and communities, raising their awareness about cultural heritage.

In the field of research, the Ministry defines methodologies for cataloguing and inventorying, for conservation and restoration, and realizes education activities on cultural heritage, also in collaboration with universities and other public and private partners.

The Ministry promotes the knowledge of cultural heritage through the dissemination of studies and researches, which includes publications, exhibitions, conferences and training courses, at national and international level.

Among MiC's central offices, the Directorate-General for Education, Research and Cultural Institutes (DG-ERIC) coordinates, develops and evaluates the education, training and research programs under the Ministry's competence. It also elaborates, every three years, a Plan of MiC’s training, research and self-assessment activities.

DG-ERIC coordinates training and research activities of Istituto centrale per il restauro (ICR), Istituto centrale per la grafica (ICG), Istituto centrale per la patologia degli archivi e del libro (ICPAL) and Opificio delle pietre dure (OPD), highly specialized in cultural heritage’s restoration and conservation.

Photo Sarcophagus with togate men and female figures - MANN - National Archaeological Museum of Naples


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