URCA is a multidisciplinary University located at a geostrategic position favourable to European and international exchanges. URCA develops innovative, fundamental and applied research and provides more than 28 000 students with a wide range of initial undergraduate studies programs which address society's needs in all domains of knowledge.
This academic identity at the heart of an interdisciplinary approach is based on 4 strategic excellence clusters and the specifics of its ecosystem: Agriculture, Food, Biology, Environment, Health ; Fundamental sciences and health ; Digital and engineering sciences ; Human and social sciences.
In terms of research, URCA has a solid experience of European and international projects. It has been involved in a lot of FP7 projects. URCA is participating in H2020 projects and Horizon Europe, Interreg projects and in many other international projects such as COST, CEF or ERA-NET actions.
The UR 3795 GEGENA (Study Group for Geomaterials and Anthropized Environments) was founded in 2004 to address scientific challenges related to the impact of human activity on the environment. GEGENA is firmly inter- and transdisciplinary, bringing together geologists and geographers to carry out research in diverse areas, with a particular focus on cultural heritage. The group’s work primarily investigates geomaterials used in buildings, archaeological sites and objects, examining their provenance and their interaction with the environment through studies of material properties, weathering processes, green protection strategies, and optimal and replacement techniques. Additionally, the team explores subjects such as the effects of climate change, extreme events (e.g., floods and landslides), war heritage, and landscape preservation.
The laboratory's transdisciplinary approach is further strengthened through collaborations with diverse research labs, including microbiologists, computer scientists, and civil engineers, as well as institutions such as INRAP and the Georges Chappaz Institute of Vine and Wine, located in UNESCO's designated Champagne area, fostering innovative and integrative research perspectives