
The Directorate-General for Research and Innovation has recently published the fifth edition of the report ‘Integration of social sciences and humanities in Horizon 2020’. This report examines the progress in integrating social sciences and humanities (SSH) in multidisciplinary projects funded in 2018 under Horizon 2020.

The report integrates various dimensions such as the budget going to SSH partners, qualitative aspects, the performance of disciplines and sectors involved or which countries are represented as participants and coordinators. The scope has been gradually extended to cover the European Research Council, Future Emerging Technologies, Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions, Research Infrastructures and finally this year, the Science with and for Society (SwafS) part of the programme.

Substantial quantitative progress has been made in many areas since the start of Horizon 2020. The share of projects with qualitative SSH integration, the number of SSH flagged topics, the budget allocated to those topics as well as to SSH partners all increased significantly. Findings are encouraging although more effort is needed for further improvement of SSH integration.


Integration of social sciences and humanities in Horizon 2020
2020 | Bucksch Rickard | Pages: 70
The fifth edition published by the Directorate-General for Research and Innovation