Project facts
The CHeriScape project has created a landscape-focused network established to organize five international and interdisciplinary conferences on the theme of ‘landscape as heritage’.
By more closely connecting these two ‘ways of seeing and acting’ in research and practice, and by transcending disciplinary and policy boundaries, it has been made possible to maximize their impact on mainstream as well as sectoral policy-making and research in regard to major environmental, societal and economic challenges facing Europe.
The 5 conferences have explored the overlapping territories of two Council of Europe conventions, the European Landscape Convention (2000) and the Faro Convention on the Value of Cultural Heritage to Society (2005).
The project has used landscape as heritage as an interdisciplinary frame for « bridging divides, integrating disciplines and serving society » (ESF/COST Science policy briefing).
Impacts & Results
The project has used landscape as a guide and framework to help overcome the fragmentation of initiatives deriving by diverse and sometimes potentially conflicting approaches and the multiplicity and geographical dispersion of bodies and institution that has been recognized by the JPI on Cultural Heritage.
It has created a new generation of understanding and aspirations within both research and policy fields.
The concrete outcomes of the CHeriScape Conferences have included scientific publications and conference proceedings, policy and public briefings and recommendations for future research.
Banner: Bryggen (The old wharf) Bergen, Norway ©Trond Isaksen, Riksantikvaren (The Directorate for Cultural Heritage, Norway) All Rights Reserved