Project facts
Cultural heritage/landscape is recognized by the European Union as a key economic resource in the global competition. The CLIC project is theoretically and practically interrelated to the international research, policy orientation and innovation activities on the role and impacts of cultural heritage/landscape for sustainable local development. The circular economy approach opens innovative solutions attentive to conservation of cultural/natural resources, to local production loops, local circuits of value production.
The CLIC project applies the circular economy principles to cultural heritage adaptive reuse for achieving environmentally, socially, culturally and economically sustainable urban/territorial development. Adaptive reuse of cultural heritage is seen as a mean to circularize the flows of raw-materials, energy, cultural capital as well as social capital. The circular paradigm is assumed in the project not only for the economic growth but also for promoting human development.
Impacts & Results
The CLIC project adopts a trans-disciplinary and systemic approach that integrates technology, business models and economic organisation, finance, governance and regulations as well as skills and social innovation, framed in the perspective of the circular economy as possible model for a more inclusive, resilient and sustainable development. The project combines traditional knowledge with scientific knowledge, developing multistakeholder win-win business, financing and governance models, inclusive planning and decision-making.
The intended impacts are:
- Validation of integrated approaches and strategies for cultural heritage adaptive reuse, comprising innovative finance with high leverage capacity, business models and institutional and governance arrangements that foster multi-stakeholders involvement, citizens and communities’ engagement and enpowerment;
- New investments and market opportunities in adaptive reuse of cultural heritage, also stimulating the creation of start-ups;
- An enablong context for the development and wide deployment of new technologies, techniques and expertise enhancing industrial competitiveness and contributing to economic growth, new skills jobs;
- Innovative adaptive reuse models that are culturally, socially and economically inclusive;
- Contribution to implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (Goals 1, 15, 11 particularly) and the United Nations New Urban Agenda.