Project facts
2014-02-01 -
Project coordinator: Belgian Building Research Institute
Project consortium: Belgian Building Research Institute (Belgium)
Consiglio Nazionale della Ricerca (Italy)
Università Ca' Foscari Venezia (Italy)
C.R.S.A med-ingegneria S.r.l (Italy)
Special Restoration Ltd. of Pambianco (Italy)
DIASEN (Italy)
Delft University of Technology (Netherlands)
Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands (Netherlands)
Funding bodies:
Subject areas:
Built Heritage, Climate Change, Methods - Procedures, Monitoring, Monuments - Sites
Budget: 596,194.00€
- This project’s main aims were to come to a scientifically based evaluation of the effectiveness of different methods against rising damp and to a defined decision support tool for a conscious choice and successful use of these methods in the practice of conservation.
- These aims have been achieved by sharing the knowledge until now diffused over the EU, and by acquiring new knowledge through the application of selected methods in case-study.
- The co-operations between research institutes, conservation authorities, and SMEs have guaranteed easy access to documentation on case studies, independent and scientifically based evaluation of interventions and successful dissemination of results.
Impacts & Results
- The project has established a European-wide overview of existing methods, including the compatibility with, and effectiveness on historic buildings.
- The project has defined a common procedure and criteria for the evaluation of interventions against rising damp based on the experience of the partners.
- The project has established a European Union broad overview of the effectiveness of existing methods elaborated on the existing experience and the knowledge acquired by the investigation of case studies.
- The project has developed a decision support tool on the feasibility and the risks of existing methods, helping actors involved in conservation to arrive at a conscious choice and successful application of these methods in the practice.
- The project has built up a European network of experts with state of the art knowledge in this field.
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