Project facts
EUWATHER aimed at promoting the knowledge and rehabilitation of the unique cultural heritage of minor waterways and historic canals in 4 European pilot regions.
The project was co-designed with people (local and visitor, stakeholder and public sector, etc.) and has therefore generated a body of data that revealed the cultural and artistic heritage of minor waterways. It has produced a Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) and interactive maps and has promoted associated ways of communicating this heritage to a range of audiences.
Impacts & Results
The overall objective of the project was to develop new opportunities for eco-tourism and outdoor recreation as a driver for sustainable development, together with better management and planning of secondary waterways networks.
EUWATHER aimed at fostering the trans-boundary exchange of experiences to develop new, more coordinated institutional strategies and to encourage research activities (oral history) that reflect tourist interests as well as local values.
Banner: “Le Pede entre les maison et le grand étang -The Pede small river between the house and the great pond (Anderlecht-Brussels)” by Flikkersteph -5,000,000 views ,thank you! is licensed with CC BY 2.0.