Project facts
By focusing specifically on the relationship between heritage practices, historical sound documents and current uses and re-uses of the community’s history, we aimed at developing an innovative approach through a cooperative research programme with the stakeholders of Fado in Portugal and Flamenco in Spain.
The project aimed at designing and implementing a multi-purpose tool for integrated management of heritage and ethnographic data, for the use of practitioners and researchers and for the dissemination of knowledge among the general public.
The critical field research on recorded musical sound pursued with the different communities of practitioners allowed us to collect new ethnographic data. It helped us understand the impact of historical recordings on present practices and the use of historical artefacts in current musical practices.
Impacts & Results
- The project allowed us to participate in the development of a reflective society involving at the same level academic work and community practitioners. It allowed the connection of people with heritage, the promotion of access to tangible heritage that was not accessible before and the creation of knowledge on an innovative research topic. It also allowed the safeguarding of cultural heritage with the creation of new tools for participatory informed heritage management.
- The impacts of the project have been witnessed not only amongst the academic circles but especially amongst the stakeholders’ community through collaborative production of tools and field-research. The results have been disseminated to the general public through specific mass media deliveries like commercial CD and documentary.
- The project has resulted in the implementation of a sustainable strategy for protecting and managing cultural heritage through an innovative digital tool with the aim to input, retrieve, work-on, manage and distribute tangible heritage in articulation with intangible heritage. It allowed us to grasp the significance of those artifacts for communities and their influence on the practices.
- The Heritamus project has promoted sustainable use and user-friendly management of cultural heritage, empowering communities and monitoring the impact of new international programs such as UNESCO’s ICH and the societal challenges involved.
- The research on the uses and re-uses of different kinds of cultural heritage has contributed to the implementation of a cooperative structure, involving stakeholders and the community of practitioners directly on the research process.
- It has promoted the safeguarding of tangible cultural heritage (historical recordings) as fundamental documents of musical practices highlighting the intricate relationship between the two.
- Finally, the project has generated a new and innovative research on the relationship between the phonographic industry and intangible cultural heritage in Portuguese Fado and Spanish Flamenco.
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