Project facts
The PICH project has provided a comprehensive assessment of the impact of fundamental reforms in urban planning and governance on the historic built environment and place identity.
The project has evaluated the effect of fundamental reform in planning and governance in three settings: the historic urban core, sites of industrial transformation, and the wider landscape heritage.
It has assessed the impact of reform on the tangible built environment and place identity and has developed evaluation and education tools.
The project has been a collaborative exercise of academics, policy-makers and civil society in Italy, the Netherlands, Norway and the UK. This combination has given added value in the potential for comparative evaluation across all thermal models of planning.
Associate partners have been involved from municipalities, heritage organizations and other countries not directly funded by this call to test ideas under other conditions.
Impacts & Results
The project has met a pressing demand for guidance on managing the built cultural heritage and place identity under more complex and uncertain conditions.
It has contributed to the Strategic Agenda in understanding the implications of fundamental reform, by drawing transferable lessons, and by proposing effective transferable methods and tools.
It has provided new research-based knowledge about the impact of the reform of governance on the management of the urban cultural heritage and its interlinked intangible dimension, especially place identity.
The PICH project has had the potential to make a significant contribution in terms of knowledge of processes (especially the relationship between tangible and intangible) and alternative ways of influencing heritage management practice.
It has shared the task of knowledge creation and guide practice that could lead to tangible implementation.
The findings have assisted the safeguarding of the urban cultural heritage in tandem with its intangible dimensions because some management mechanisms were becoming redundant in the wake of changing conditions.
It has assisted governments in developing more effective strategies, combining a range of tools, and it has encouraged effective re-use of the cultural heritage through innovation and better targeted urban governance and planning.
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