Project facts
2014-03-05 -
Project coordinator: Eduardo Torroja Institute for Construction Science (IETCC)
Project consortium: Eduardo Torroja Institute for construction Science (IETCC)
Laboratoire de Recherche des Monuments Historiques (France)
ELab Scientific srl, CNR (Italy)
Istituto per la Conservation e la Valorizzazione dei Bei Culturali, CNR (Italy)
Centre Scientifique et Technique de la Construction (Belgium)
University of Liège, Département ArGEnCo (Belgium)
Funding bodies:
Subject areas:
Changing environments, Climate Change, Conservation, Materials, Methods - Procedures, Monitoring, Tangible Heritage, Technologies - Scientific processes, Threats
Budget: 75,000€
- The project’s main objective was to develop a real-time managing system to evaluate the corrosion process of ancient concrete exposed to natural ageing (including several weathering mechanisms such as carbonation and chloride-induced corrosion, and climate impact).
- This system has provided self-adapting capabilities to different types of tangible heritage and has incorporated embedded sensors and data transmission devices to allow for real-time control of the structural integrity of the investigated infrastructure.
- It has developed a novel monitoring system that has been integrated as part of the overall control, incorporating data analysis and assessment software tools including computational structural prognosis models and dynamic re-design parameters based on continuously measured data.
Impacts & Results
- The system has been the basis of Early Warning Systems (EWS) for the particular application of ancient concrete. The EWS were the essential tools for the handling of the natural and social threats that affect the protection of tangible heritage.
- The project has contributed not only to the development of the EWS but in the basic aspects for a rational managing of the inventory and the prioritization of those to be protected.
- It has predicted the damage based and decay mechanisms.
- It has integrated the performance Indicators concepts into an inspection methodology, trying to optimize the initial extra cost of the monitoring system by the benefits of a system enabling the real-time monitoring system.
- The project has set priorities of intervention to manage the optimum protection of cultural patrimony by the public authorities in each area.
Banner: ArtScience Museum, Singapore @Robynne Hu